
Dozens of kilometers large deserts with rock mountains massifs, dunes, canyons and precious flowers. We provide you the program lasting 3-5 days with a visit of the most interesting places. Hike on the biggest dune Khongoryn Els (Singing Dune), where the sunrise is the unforgettable experience. Great tour from Yolyn Am canyon right to the steep slope, on rocks with jumping capricorns and flying vultures. You can see colored rocks Bayan Zag, where you can find relics of dinosaurs. You can find many semiprecious stones in various colors.

Accommodation is in yurts by two with comfort service. Our English and Russian speaking guide will accompany you. 




CK Ingol - spol. s.r.o.
Smetanova 2799
760 01 ZLÍN
Czech Republic

603 164 061
577 211 115


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